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Beyond Quality Assurance: Strategic Factors to Consider When Choosing a Hormone Raw Material Supplier

Written by Medix Biochemica | Jun 13, 2024 2:09:37 PM

For in vitro diagnostics (IVD) manufacturers, choosing a raw material supplier goes way beyond ‘price shopping’ – it’s a major strategic decision that plays a crucial role in the quality of their final product and therefore requires careful consideration. The right supplier should offer a winning combination of quality, reliability and supply-chain stability and agility.1

Here are some questions you should ask yourself when choosing a supplier for hormones, antigens and other IVD raw materials.

What should I consider when choosing a raw-material supplier?

 Quality-assurance criteria

  • How long has this supplier been in operation? Which countries or regions do they serve?
  • How strong is their focus on quality and reliability? 
  • What supplier quality-management systems do they have in place? 
  • What are the supplier’s current customers saying about them?
  • Do they meet all the necessary regulatory requirements? e.g. Are they prepared to comply to regulatory requirement updates such as the IVD Medical Devices Regulation being implemented in Europe?

Why it's important

Meeting quality-assurance criteria is essential because it means IVD customers receive consistently reliable, high-quality products to work with.

First founded in Finland in the 1980s, Medix Biochemica has grown to become a worldwide presence. We supply IVD raw materials to nearly 80 countries, on every continent except Antarctica!2

We offer:3

  • a proven track record of quality and product performance;
  • effective supplier quality-management systems, managed by proactive and collaborative approaches;
  • conformity to customers’ individual supplier-approval criteria; and
  • the required regulatory compliance.

Customer feedback: One customer recently doubled their orders with us due to our exceptional teamwork. Their decision to increase the business with us came more than six months earlier than expected and reflects our commitment to excellence in communication, adaptability, and tailored solutions. We appreciate their trust and look forward to continuing our successful partnership.

 Reliability and aftercare support

  • How well does the supplier communicate with their clients? 
  • Will they give me the support I need throughout my journey as a buyer?
  • Do they offer regulatory support?
  • Will they provide me with after-sales technical support?
  • Will they give me the same standard of quality, time after time, from one batch of hormones (or other reagents) to the next?

Why it's important

Offering proper support and open communication at every stage of the buyer journey, including after sales, ensures that IVD customers get the best results from the products they purchase. It also builds a strong relationship between the supplier and customers.

Medix Biochemica provides:3

  • technical support throughout buyer journey;
  • regulatory support through documentation and audit-readiness; 
  • a proven track record of lot-to-lot consistency in quality and product performance; 
  • transparency and regular communication with customers; and 
  • the ability to customize products or collaborate on innovative solutions.

Supply chain stability and scalability

  • Does the supplier have the ability to scale up rapidly?
  • Do they have the capacity and systems to manage unexpected global health events? e.g. How did they perform during the COVID-19 pandemic? 
  • Do they have strong relationships with their own suppliers/sources? i.e. How strong is their own supply chain?
  • How are they addressing issues like the current concerns about supply shortage of native hormone antigens?

Why it's important

Supply chain stability and scalability can mitigate unnecessary delays and help IVD customers to keep their project timelines on track, without compromising on product quality.

Medix Biochemica has:3

  • excellent relationships and a strong network of starting-material suppliers so we can manage disruptions or increased demands;
  • capacity to rapidly scale up to meet customer and market demands;
  • a track record of offering excellent scalability during the COVID-19 pandemic;
  • a forward-thinking approach that allows us to address potential supply chain issues ahead of time;
  • a global manufacturing and distribution footprint; and
  • strong purchasing power to mitigate raw-material costs to manufacturers.

Read more about Medix Biochemica’s position in the IVD supply chain, and how we work to mitigate supply chain delays  (e.g. by offering recombinant hormone antigens as an alternative to native hormone antigens).

Strategic partnerships and collaboration

  • Will the supplier be able to meet my specific product needs?
  • Can they provide highly customized/tailored solutions?
  • How can they help me to strengthen my company’s offering?
  • Can they provide everything I need?

Why it's important

Collaboration between suppliers and customers ensures that the customers get exactly what they need, when they need it.

Medix Biochemica offers:3
  • strong R&D-to-R&D connections and will collaborate on research and development projects when needed;
  • agility in product customization and tailored solutions;
  • flexibility to enter supply agreements; and
  • do not compete with manufacturers for end users.

Over the years, we’ve acquired multiple companies to help us expand our product portfolio, offering hormones, antigens, antibodies, enzymes, master mixes, base matrices and more. This means our customers can rely on us as a one-stop solution for all their IVD needs.4

Working with Medix Biochemica

Medix Biochemica meets the quality-assurance requirements and strategic criteria needed for a successful partnership with an IVD raw material supplier. We establish long-term relationships with our clients and help them to meet their growth objectives by acting as a strong link in the overall IVD supply chain. Working with customers in mind, if there’s an IVD need, chances are we IVDo that.


  1. Expert opinion. Notes from Anthony Austin, Global Marketing Manager, Medix Biochemica. April 2024.
  2. Medix Biochemica across the world. Medix Biochemica. Accessed May 13, 2024. https://articles.medixbiochemica.com/medix-biochemica-across-the-world.
  3. Expert opinion. Interview with Anthony Austin, Global Marketing Manager, Medix Biochemica. April 24, 2024.
  4. The history of Medix Biochemica. Medix Biochemica. Accessed May 13, 2024. https://articles.medixbiochemica.com/the-history-of-medix-biochemica.