17 January 2024

Updated in 29 January 2025

Medix Biochemica is a global in vitro diagnostics (IVD) raw materials supplier with a portfolio of over 5 000 products, including antibodies, antigens, enzymes, biospecimens and molecular diagnostic reagents.1 Our expertise covers the immunoassay, clinical chemistry and molecular diagnostics markets, among others.1


An Introduction to Medix Biochemica

First established in Finland in the 1980s, Medix Biochemica has grown to become a worldwide presence.1,2 We supply IVD raw materials to nearly 80 countries, on every continent except Antarctica!2

View Our Product Library

Medix Biochemica’s Vision and Values

Medix Biochemica's vision is to be the foremost raw material partner for the IVD sector. With various distinct focuses and core capabilities across our sites, we strategically drive innovation, quality and provide tailored solutions to meet the diverse demands of IVD manufacturers.4

Our comprehensive portfolio continues to grow in breadth and depth, now offering a wide range of cutting-edge diagnostic reagents, immunoassay components and raw materials for vital IVD technologies. In fact, in November 2023, we announced the acquisition of US-based ViroStat, which significantly strengthens our offerings in the area of infectious diseases.4 

Quality and reliability are at the heart of what we do, and this benefits our customers at every stage of production. By using multiple high-quality, thoroughly tested raw materials from Medix Biochemica, our customers are able to get their finished products to market quickly and efficiently.2

Our dedication to quality, consistency and continuous growth means that we are able to empower the IVD manufacturers we partner with, positioning them at the forefront of accuracy, reliability and innovation in diagnostic testing.4


Medix Biochemica’s History

In 1984, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to César Milstein, Georges J.F. Köhler and Niels Jerne for developing the hybridoma method of producing monoclonal antibodies.5 Medix Biochemica was founded in Finland shortly afterwards, in 1985, and was the first company of its kind to sell high-quality monoclonal antibodies on an industrial scale.2

Since then, we have grown and expanded to make this technology accessible across the world,2 making important strategic acquisitions that have helped us expand our portfolio and offerings to clients.2,6 

Medix Biochemica timeline infographic | updated January 2025


Medix Biochemica’s Presence Around the World

Today, Medix Biochemica has seven sites around the world, allowing us to deliver our products globally.2 These international centers of excellence enable us to serve customers who have a wide variety of IVD requirements.6

These are our locations, each one with its own focus. This ensures that our products are developed and managed by experts before being distributed globally:2,6

Medix Biochemica locations | updated Jan 2025


Espoo, Finland, HQ

  • Focus: World-class development and production of hybridoma and recombinant monoclonal antibodies and antigens, as well as antigen conjugates

Shanghai, China

  • Focus: In China for China (ICFC) development of antibodies and antigen conjugates, through use of hybridoma and phage display technologies

Besancon, France

  • Legacy Brand: Diaclone 
  • Focus: Antibody and immunoassay kit development, focused on immunology and utilizing phage display technologies

Konstanz, Germany

  • Legacy Brand: myPOLs Biotec
  • Focus: DNA and RNA polymerase engineering and development. Molecular diagnostics reagents: enzymes, master mixes and dNTPs

Wangen, Germany

  • Legacy Brand: CANDOR Bioscience
  • Focus: Premium immunoassay solutions like blockers, stabilizers and buffers.

St. Louis, MO, USA

  • Legacy Brand: Lee Biosolutions
  • Focus: Development of native antigens, proteins and enzymes
  • Legacy Brand: EastCoast Bio
  • Focus: Antibodies and antigens for veterinary, drugs of abuse and infectious disease

Weston, FL, USA

  • Legacy Brand: Bioresource Technology
  • Focus: Human plasma base matrices and QC product manufacturing

Westbrook, ME, USA

  • Legacy Brand: ViroStat
  • Focus: Antibodies and antigens for infectious diseases


Products, services and clinical areas

Our catalog includes over 5 000 products across more than 300 individual analytes.7 

Antibodies, antigens and enzymes

Our antibodies, antigens and enzymes portfolio includes:7

  • Native/recombinant antigens and antibodies
  • Human-/animal-sourced products
  • Liquid and lyophilized forms
  • Polyclonal/monoclonal antibodies
  • Antigen and control grade materials
  • Matched pairs

Breaking boundaries with biospecimens

Medix Biochemica works closely with a network of partner clinical sites, hospital laboratories and collection facilities, as well as directly with an internal donor group, to deliver specialized biological materials – from amniotic fluid to whole blood, and everything in between.8

Our biologicals and technical service teams work hard to ensure that we understand each customer’s needs from the start. This allows us to accommodate many specific sourcing requirements, like demographic and disease state.8

Molecular diagnostics

We supply a comprehensive suite of reagents and services for molecular diagnostics applications, such as ready mixes and enzymes, buffers, controls, and clinical specimens. These include our Taq Hotstart DNA Polymerase, PlexTaq® 5x qPCR Mastermix and the HiDi® product family.11

Contract services

In addition to IVD raw materials, Medix Biochemica also offers contract services which are customizable for quick turnaround times and to suit each customer’s requirements. Our services include the development of antibodies, bulk biologicals and biospecimens, bioassay testing, custom biologicals and molecular diagnostics.12 View Medix Biochemica’s Contract Services offering.12

Clinical areas

Medix Biochemica supports the following clinical areas:6

  • Anemia and blood coagulation
  • Autoimmunity
  • Cardiac
  • Clinical chemistry
  • Diabetes, metabolism and bone
  • Drugs of abuse
  • Hormones
  • Infectious diseases
  • Inflammation
  • Kidney
  • Neurology
  • Serology

With over 4 decades of experience and an ongoing commitment to quality, Medix Biochemica can be trusted to consistently deliver what your IVD business needs.


  1. About Medix Biochemica. Medix Biochemica. Accessed November 8, 2023. https://www.medixbiochemica.com/.
  2. Expert opinion. Interview with Anthony Austin, Global Marketing Manager at Medix Biochemica. October 26, 2023.  
  3. Data on file. Medix Biochemica. Summary of products. 
  4. Expert opinion. Information provided by Anthony Austin, Global Marketing Manager at Medix Biochemica. October 2023.  
  5. César Milstein, Ph.D. The American Association of Immunologists. Accessed November 9, 2023. https://www.aai.org/About/History/Notable-Members/Nobel-Laureates/CesarMilstein.
  6. Data on file. Medix Biochemica. Around the world.
  7. Antibodies/antigens/enzymes. Medix Biochemica. Accessed November 8, 2023. https://www.medixbiochemica.com/antibodies-antigens-enzymes.
  8. Biospecimens and biomaterials. Medix Biochemica. Accessed November 8, 2023. https://www.medixbiochemica.com/biospecimens-and-biomaterials.
  9. Data on file. Medix Biochemica. Biospecimens, base matrices, and bulk biologicals catalog. October 2023.
  10. Data on file. Medix Biochemica. Biospecimens, base matrices, and bulk biologicals customization matrix.
  11. MedixMDx. Medix Biochemica. Accessed November 8, 2023. https://mdx.medixbiochemica.com/.
  12. Data on file. Medix Biochemica. Contract services. May 2023.